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张贴: 7 November 2023 - 0 留言 [ 留言 ] - 0 引用 [ 引用 ]

 Soy Boys and Chakra no it's not. They're a little fucking dirt. They're doing the exact  WoTLK Gold thing. It's like solidarity you know the meaning of this?Listen and we're about to GDK to p this hogger, it might give me lead. I gotta put I gotta put it on Master Looter. Okay, good. All right, we apply Master Looter Where's hogger whenever we reach the level of 15 We'll do an GD K p Deadmines.

Who are they? GD K p Deadmines we'll get like a 10 man group where is the guy? Oh there he is. No no these guys are about to run out of mana.
It's not like they'll kill it , but we could be able to kill it to him. It's not going to be happening until you all oh your god, let's get these guys killed! got some nice big harm I'm not aware of to train my abilities I haven't even trained in the least holy shit! Are we getting ready to go in?
Once I've got this can you guys share the quest? my god I forgot all about achievements that's my first one oh my God look at that Wow his lip is down there, holy! these are the old oh my gosh look at the
Do they have that immortal feat of surviving the war? Could you share with me your search? It's true. Bro they took this one out of the game. This is the conqueror of the old war I didn't get this I was given the 10 man single champion of all the conflicts. Herald of the Titans look at this and you will see that a majority of these are feats of strength today.
now you can yeah you can say that he's going to play Wrath more than retail. Why? I mean, bro , it would take me an entire week to learn it. Once you have a group of people that know what they're doing you just go and do it that's it it's easy Yeah, let's see.
Oh, they have an immortal in them. Right here is an immortal holy sh*t is back. We need to monitor this for whenever I can go do it. Just in case and then you had all of these , didn't you? And then 10 Man was like the eternal No, I don't see this question in the same way.
Can y'all share it or something similar to what I got we gotta go kill hogger need Jasper load. I'm thinking that I'm going to fuck that, That black proto yes, that's a this black prototype Drake look
Here is the it is! Red plagued proto Drake Protoblack Drake right there oh my God! Raven hold the rap. Yeah, gory in the style of Ice Crown Raider. Holy shit.
Oh my God. Arena is the arena master dude I'll never forget the time this. It was during Cataclysm. I was ecstatic whenever I got this man holy fuck, I was so happy whenever I got this get every single achievement there's no way I'll get every single achievement now under an unnecessary amount of time as I already did it like in the past, if I had  buy WoTLK Classic Gold not done it prior to doing it , but now I've done it. I have beat the game. But the thing is I feel really happy about the achievements that I achieved with a vanilla like experience with all this crap right? 
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